Agenda Alliance works with women and girls throughout our different areas of work, to inform our research and policy work, amplify women’s voices in the media and advocate for change.
We are committed to engaging women and girls directly in our advocacy and communications work, giving them a voice and platform and working closely with them to help shape our approach and priorities. We believe that women and girls have a right to be heard, including those with less capacity for resilience, if this can be safely facilitated.

“As a young woman, it can be really hard to get the right kind of support when you need it... If support isn't designed with what I've experienced in mind, it won't work for me, and can sometimes make things worse. Services should be working together and listening to me to learn what I want and need. I'm the expert on me.” - Young Women's Advisory Group Member
Too often, women with multiple unmet needs are excluded and failed by the systems and services that should be supporting them. Agenda Alliance believes that, given their understanding and expertise, women with lived experience are best placed to identify failings and tell us how systems can improve.
Our approach to co-production
We have developed this document to summarise our approach to co-production and our key learnings to date.
It is intended for use by anyone who might find it useful, including:
- Women and girls seeking co-production opportunities; organisations looking to start or adapt their own approaches to co-production
- Organisations (including Agenda Alliance members) who work with women that might be interested in our work
If you are a woman with lived experience of the issues we work on, or are an organisation supporting women or girls with lived experience of multiple unmet needs interested in finding out more about our co-production work, please contact