Young Women's Justice Project Extended
We’re delighted to announce that Agenda Alliance and the Alliance for Youth Justice (AYJ) have been awarded extension funding from Lloyds Bank Foundation to continue the Young Women’s Justice Project.
In partnership with the Alliance for Youth Justice the ‘Young Women's Justice Project’ engages with young women (17-25), front-line practitioners and other experts, with the aim of:
Following generous extension funding from Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales in 2022, we have been focusing on developing our evidence base and recommendations for change further.
Through engagement with young women with lived experience, sector partners, local and national policymakers, and policing practitioners across the country, we have continued to explore how practical changes to policy and practice can improve the experiences of young women in contact with the criminal justice system.
We’re delighted to announce that Agenda Alliance and the Alliance for Youth Justice (AYJ) have been awarded extension funding from Lloyds Bank Foundation to continue the Young Women’s Justice Project.
On Tuesday, 28th June, Agenda and the Alliance for Youth Justice (AYJ) held a Parliamentary Reception to discuss ways to effectively respond to the needs of young women in contact with the criminal justice system.
New report published today by Agenda and the Alliance for Youth Justice lays bare the experiences of vulnerable girls and young women in the criminal justice system and calls on the Ministry of Justice to make urgent reforms.