Mapping the Maze finds that there is not enough help across the board for women facing multiple disadvantage in England and Wales. Support is extremely patchy – with some areas having a range of services for women, while others had very few or no services at all.
In partnership with AVA (Against Violence & Abuse) and funded by Barrow Cadbury Trust, Mapping the Maze mapped service provision for women facing homelessness, substance misuse, poor mental health, offending and complex needs.
The aim of Mapping the Maze was to map what and where specialist support is available for women affected by these issues and to identify gaps in provision.
The final report finds that there is not enough help across the board for women in England and Wales. Support is extremely patchy – with some areas having a range of services for women, while others had very few or no services at all.
In addition to providing an analysis of the findings, the services identified have been entered onto an interactive map on the Mapping the Maze website. This resource will be of use to voluntary organisations, commissioners, professionals and other individuals (including service users) to understand what provision is available in their area and to make the case for increased and better quality services.
Additionally, the project aimed to identify a model of good practice for working with women affected by substance use, mental ill-health, homelessness and offending.
Jumping Through Hoops
Following the publication of Mapping the Maze, Agenda and AVA sought to further explore the support that homelessness, substance misuse, mental health and criminal justice services are providing to women.
While there has been progress on gender and trauma informed approaches across the sectors mentioned, little is known about how general services in these areas are responding to women’s needs or how women-specific services, such as domestic and sexual violence services, are involved in coordinated approaches.
AVA led this research, supported by a steering group including Making Every Adult Matter (MEAM), Agenda and St Mungos.