The findings of this report illuminate a distressing reality that demands our attention and action.
The systematic failures in supporting women at the sharpest edge of inequality have been allowed to continue for too long. The complex interplay of poverty, trauma, abuse, and discrimination compounds the challenges faced by women, leaving them to navigate a labyrinthine system without the necessary comprehensive person-centred support that is needed.
The Transforming Services for Women's Futures project provides a crucial platform for voices that have long been overlooked. The call to reform local, regional, and national systems and services resonates strongly – it's imperative that these services evolve to provide the holistic, gender-sensitive, trauma-informed care that women in the North East need and deserve.
No woman should be left to fall through the cracks of a broken system, facing devastating consequences. As we collectively navigate the aftermath of various crises, this report underscores the urgency of comprehensive systems-change, ensuring that public services are not just a safety net, but a source of empowerment for the most vulnerable women in our communities.