There are many ways to support Agenda Alliance, either as an organisation, a woman or girl with direct experience, or an individual supporter.
I'm an organisation
All organisations that have an interest in and work with or represent women and girls with unmet needs can apply to join the alliance. Learn more here.
I'm an individual supporter
Want to get involved in campaigns that deliver lasting positive change for women and girls with multiple unmet needs? You can support us by doing the following:
- Donate to Agenda Alliance
- Follow us on Twitter and Instagram
- Visit our Projects and Campaigns page to find out about our current activity
I have personal experience
If you are a woman or girl who has or has had experience of complex unmet needs or disadvantage, or are a practitioner supporting women and girls who would like to have their voices heard, we invite you to be part of Agenda Alliance.
If you’d like to share your story or experiences to inform our work and help us improve things, there are different activities you might be able to be involved in, including:
- supporting our campaigns
- working with us to tell your story in the media, on our website, or through social media
- speaking to politicians
- attending and speaking at events
For more information, contact
"After I had that help, that’s when I started realising… my future is bright… blinding" — Princess, 19
Help us end the cycle of trauma and harm so that all women and girls can thrive.