Saffron Cordery

Saffron Cordery
Saffron is an experienced executive leader, charity trustee and activist, who has worked in public sector policy, advocacy and communications for nearly 30 years.
She has been NHS Providers deputy chief executive since 2018, and between June 2022 – February 2023 was interim chief executive. Before moving into healthcare, Saffron was head of public affairs at the Local Government Association. Her early career focused on influencing European policy and politics, and she started working life in adult and community education.
For ten years she was a board member and then chair of a 16–19 college in Hampshire and is currently a trustee of GambleAware, a leading charity committed to minimising gambling-related harm.
A committed feminist, and proud member of the LGBTQ+ community, she uses her lived experience of sexual abuse as a child and young person to fuel her activism on behalf of survivors and her commitment to equity and justice for women and girls.